Hey There!
Maija Rebecca Hand Drawn is a women & queer owned paper goods company operated by Oregon-based artist, Maija Kellner-Rode. Maija draws most of her inspiration from the magic found in nature, the mysterious connection we have to this universe & each other. Her hope is to create art that inspires others to connect with themselves and each other in a more open, honest & vulnerable way, while spreading beauty, love & a little bit of sass worldwide.
Maija loves to constantly be digging her hands into new mediums. Currently, she consumes most of her time getting big and messy with acrylic paint, oil pastels, graphite and colored pencils while adding touches of watercolor & digital design.
During her free time, you can find Maija spending time with her partner, tending to their garden, sharing conversation over meals with friends, hiking in the woods, swimming in the cool waters of Central Oregon, mentoring youth, or hanging out on her family's farm.
Follow along to see what Maija is up to here @maijarebeccahanddrawn
View & shop Maija’s original art here maijakellnerrode.com
See more of Maija’s painting process here @maijakellnerrode
Maija’s Personal Manifesto
I am here to hold myself and others with loving compassion. I am here to cultivate creative and healing spaces for people, where ideas of diverse thought and action can flourish. I am here to move through the world with creative curiosity and to use my paint brush and pencil as a tool for connection.
I am here to listen and to understand that everything changes with time and that nothing is permanent.
That loss may be the greatest teacher of all and that everything is practice. That vulnerability, grief & pain are necessary for personal development and that playfulness, pleasure & joy are also just as essential.
That truth is a spectrum and is never just black and white. That maintaining movement and dance are fundamental to my wellbeing.
I am here to remember that this moment is a gift to be honored and cherished. That rest, even just for a moment, always comes first.
I am here to live in alignment with our beloved, Momma Earth. That when my hands are in her soil, I am the most calm and at ease in my body. That her food is a gift and is meant to be shared freely. That when I walk amongst her forest, I can breathe deeply and remember what is possible. That when I swim in her cool waters, I am free and I am alive.
That family is sacred and boundaries are necessary in order to thrive. That blood lines run deep in the ancient wisdom of my ancestors. That sisterhood lasts a lifetime and will always be there when I need them.
That choosing to open myself to love is scary and always worth the effort. That the feeling of warm kisses and sweaty hands glued together is comfort. Resting my head into yours, wrapped together as one, is the feeling of home.
That we are all connected, intertwined through secret passage ways, floating along on this wildly beautiful and chaotic planet. We are interdependent, loving, sacred beings just trying to get by.